Frequently Asked Questions
You asked, we answered...
How quickly do I get access to MCQ Master?
How about straight away? ✨
When you sign up you will be sent a unique login link and password. Once you’ve logged in, we recommend changing your password.
From there you can jump straight into question practice!
How long will I have access to MCQ Master?
MCQ Master is a subscription model, so it depends on which subscription you have chosen. We offer monthly, quarterly and annual options.
Don’t forget that you lock in your rate when you subscribe, so as long as you don’t cancel your subscription, you’ll forever stay at your rate, even when the price goes up!
Are the MCQ Master questions suitable for for my course?
The platform is perfect for you if you are studying the law conversion course, or if you are studying any core subjects as part of your LLB (contract, crime, business, equity and trusts, land, EU, public, legal system or tort).
We also have SBA (single best answer) MCQs which SQE students will find really helpful in preparing for their exams.
Please note that MCQ Master only covers the LPC syllabus as part of the SBA MCQs - the more basic multiple choice questions only cover the core subjects mentioned above (not the full LPC syllabus).
Types of question:
✨ Our LLB / Law Conversion questions test you on your knowledge of the law (with one correct answer out of four possible answers). These questions include case and legislation.
✨ Our SQE Learn questions test you on your knowledge of the law (with one correct answer out of four possible answers). These questions only include cases and legislation you need to know for your SQE exams.
✨ Our SQE Apply questions test you on your application of the law (with one best correct asnwer out of five possible answers).
Can I access MCQ Master on my phone?
Yes - just login to your portal from any webpage on your internet browser (chrome, safari etc.).
We recommend using your tablet or laptop for the best user experience, especially for the longer SQE1 style questions.
Are SQE1 (FLK1 & FLK2) style exam questions included?
As well as our standard "learn" MCQs, we are also adding SBA (single best answer) MCQs - like those you see as part of your SQE1 exams.
The SBA questions have five possible answers, and your job is to select the best of the five answers (multiple answers may be correct, but one will always be the best answer of your options).
FLK1 subjects include:
✨ Business Law & Practice
✨ Dispute Resolution
✨ Contract Law
✨ Tort
✨ Legal Services
✨ The Legal Systems of England & Wales
✨ Public Law (Administrative & Constitutional Law and EU Law)
FLK2 subjects will be added to MCQ Master later in December. This includes:
✨ Property Practice
✨ Wills and the Administration of Estates
✨ Land Law
✨ Equity & Trusts
✨ Solicitors Accounts
✨ Criminal Law & Practice
Do you offer refunds for MCQ Master?
Due to the digital nature of this product, we do not offer refunds for access.
You can check out our practice questions (button at the bottom of the FAQs) so you can get a feel for the types of question before you purchase.
We also offer monthly subscriptions if you want to test the platform out for a month!
Remember though, if you cancel your membership (even just for a month), you'll lose your original price and will have to rejoin at the current price.
This is why we offer massively discounted annual price plans, so even if you don't want to think about the law over your summer holidays, you'll still pay an overall lower price than jumping in and out each month!
If you have a question, just pop us an email at
I don’t need to know cases / legislation... will this help me?
Yes - you can choose to remove all questions which test you on specific cases and legislation for this reason!
If you are trying to consolidate your legal knowledge in preparation for the SQE, you’ll find the our SQE Learn questions useful before you start to practice our SQE Apply exam style questions (where the law is applied to complex scenarios).
I need to learn cases - can you help with this?
Absolutely! We have a range of case specific questions on the platform already, with new ones being added regularly.
You can test yourself just on cases, or included cases as part of each subject.
Which subjects covered on MCQ Master?
We currently have questions covering:
✨ Contract Law
✨ Tort
✨ Land Law
✨ Equity & Trusts
✨ Criminal Law
✨ Public Law (Administrative & Constitutional Law and the Legal System of England & Wales)
✨ EU Law
✨ Company Law
Our SQE1 style questions also cover the additional SQE topics of:
✨ Business Practice
✨ Dispute Resolution
✨ Legal Services
✨ Property Practice
✨ Wills and the Administration of Estates
✨ Solicitors Accounts
✨ Criminal Practice
✨ Tax
We will be adding more questions over the next few months across a range of topics and have a place for you to request subjects you would like to see next.
Can I try out MCQ Master before I sign up?
Yes - you can access an example of some of our LLB / Law Conversion questions below (see the button below the FAQs).
Will MCQ Master actually help me learn faster?
Multiple choice questions are a great way to learn and consolidate your knowledge because you can quickly test where you are and understand which areas need more work.
Spaced repetition is proven to be a great way of improving memory retention, which is why we encourage students to log on several times a month to practice - even if it’s just five minutes a day, we guarantee you’ll start to see results quickly.
I need to learn cases - can MCQ Master help with this?
Absolutely! We have a range of case specific questions on the platform already, with new ones being added regularly.
You can currently choose whether to include cases as part of your quizzes, or just practice legal concepts.
We will also soon be adding the ability to test yourself just on case law.
If I change my mind, can I cancel my MCQ Master membership?
Yes - you can cancel your membership at any point in the profile part of your membership. If you cancel, you'll retain access to MCQ Master until the end of your billing period.
Remember though, if you cancel your membership (even just for a month), you'll lose your original price and will have to rejoin at the current price.
This is why we offer massively discounted annual price plans, so even if you don't want to think about the law over your summer holidays, you'll still pay an overall lower price than jumping in and out each month!
If you have any questions, please drop us an email at
Can I pause my MCQ Master membership?
We run a subscription model for MCQ Master, so if you don't need access for a period of time, you can just cancel your membership and join back up again when you need to get some more practice in!
Remember though, if you cancel your membership (Even just for a month), you'll lose your original price and will have to rejoin at the current price.
This is why we offer massively discounted annual price plans, so even if you don't want to think about the law over your summer holidays, you'll still pay an overall lower price than jumping in and out each month!
I’m only studying a couple of subjects... is MCQ Master suitable?
There are currently hundreds questions for each subject, so you’ll get plenty of practice, even if you have only studied a handful of subjects available so far.
See above for a list of subjects covered by MCQ Master (or drop us an email at if you have any questions).
I have a question that isn't answered here...
We'd love to help you out - just pop us an email at